Dr. Sara Boilen is a licensed clinical psychologist based in Whitefish, MT.
Dr. Sara Boilen earned her doctorate at the University of Denver. She is a licensed psychologist in the state of Montana.
She is the Chair of the Montana State Board of Psychologists. Dr. Boilen specializes in Clinical, Forensic, and Therapeutic Assessment. Her areas of interest include Intimate Partner Violence, Collaborative models of working (including divorce), and trauma. She is the author of Ethics in Rural Psychology: Case Studies and Guidance for Practice.
Dr. Boilen has served as an expert witness in matters pertaining to divorce, trauma, intimate partner violence, attachment, and parenting. She lectures on issues of rurality, ethics, cognitive biases in avalanche terrain, and mental wellness.
Dr. Boilen conducts Parenting Plan Evaluations, Pre-employment screenings, trauma-related forensic evaluations, Therapeutic Assessments, and serves as a Guardian ad litem and parenting coordinator.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Montana #1196
Psy.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Denver 2011
2023 Advanced Training in Parenting Plan Evaluation, Association of Family and Conciliatory Courts
2021 The Fundamentals of Conducting Child Custody Evaluations, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
2020 Assessing Allegations of Trauma in Forensic Contexts, Palo Alto University
2020 Child Murder by Parents, Palo Alto University
2020 Assessment of Underreporting and Defensiveness in Psychological Evaluations using the MMPI-2-RF, Palo Alto University
2020 Evaluating Malingering in Forensic Contexts, Palo Alto University
2020 Critical Thinking in Forensic Evaluation, Palo Alto University
2020 Intimate Partner Violence, William James College
2020 Child Custody Evaluation, William James College
2019 Working with Shame in Psychotherapy and Psychological Assessment, Center for Therapeutic Assessment
2018 Adult Attachment Projective Training, Julie Wargo-Aikins
2015 Rorschach Performance Assessment System (RPAS) Introduction and Case Examples, R-PAS Institute
July 2023 District Court, Judge Marks, DR-2022-635
March 2023 District Court, Judge Eddy, DR-2021-686(A)
July 2022 District Court, Judge Rubin, DR-2019-399
January 2022 District Court, Judge Eddy, DR-2019-0000738-PP
January 2021 District Court, Judge Eddy, DR-20-513 (A)
November 2020 District Court, Judge Eddy, DR-20-513(D)
August 2019 District Court, Judge Ulbricht, DR-18-436 (c)
Boilen, S. (2020). Ethics in Rural Psychology: Case studies and guidance for practice. Routledge Publishing, NY.
Boilen, S. (2018). The backcountry of the female mind: Young women’s voices from the wilderness. In The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Outdoor Learning (pp. 449-460). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Boilen, S. (2017) Therapeutic Assessment in rural America: Our ethical responsibility? TA Connection, 5,2.
Boilen, S. (2017). Treating depression and somatic symptoms: An experiential journey from Eeyore to Piglet. Journal of Therapeutic Schools and Programs, 7(1).
Boilen, S. & Meyer, L.J. (2009). Positive psychology and rock climbing: Hope and courage in women. (Unpublished Dissertation). University of Denver, Colorado.
Kaser-Boyd, N., Boilen, S. (June 2023) Intimate Partner homicide and Other Risks: Prediction and Prevention, Association of Family and Conciliatory Courts. Los Angeles, CA
Boilen, S. (November, 2020) Ethics in Rural Psychology. Presented at the Washington State Psychological Association annual training. Spokane, WA.
Boilen, S. (October 2020) Ethics in Rural Psychology. Presented at the North Dakota Psychological Association Annual Convention, Fargo, ND.
Boilen, S. (April, 2020) The importance of Attachment. Presented at the University of Montana Clinical Psychology Center, Missoula, MT.
Boilen, S. (October, 2019) Ethics in rural psychology. Presented at the University of Montana annual conference, Missoula, MT.
Boilen, S. (October, 2019) Shame. Presented at the University of Montana annual conference, Missoula, MT.
Boilen, S., Engleman, D., Finn, S., O’Neal, C., & Zemansky, T. (March, 2019). Therapeutic story: Integrating clinical data with the craft and creativity of storytelling. Presented at the Annual Conference for the Society for Personality Assessment. New Orleans, LA.
Boilen, S. (November, 2018) Predictably Irrational. Presented at the NRSAW. Whitefish MT.
Allyn, J.B., Boilen, S., Chudzik, L., David, R., & Engelman, D. (September, 2017). Collaborative & Therapeutic Assessment: Ethical Considerations. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Collaborative / Therapeutic Assessment Institute. Austin, TX
Boilen, S., Gart, Nathalie, Jacklin, E., Martin, H., & Tekeste, M. (January, 2016). Obstacles and Opportunities for Therapeutic Assessment. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment. San Fransisco, CA